Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kindergarten Update

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. Kindergarten is going great so far. Manda is learning so much! She has Spanish, PE, and Music twice a week. She also has Art and Library once a week. This picture is of her first homework assignment. She had to decorate the first letter of her name. This past week, her teacher thought she might have had pink eye. So, of course, I had to pick her up at, like, 9:30. She was so upset she had to leave. She was sobbing so hard she could hardly catch her breath! I took her to the doctor, and, of course, it was nothing. You know, I think you should get your money back if you go to the doctor and find nothing wrong! Yeesh! Anyway, she had her first tie-dying experience on Friday. Wish I could have been there. I love to tie-dye! They do this so all the kids of one class have the same color shirts on when they go on a field trip. Pretty cool idea. So, things are going really well.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Tell Amanda I love her artwork!! And...I definitely agree that you should get your money back if the doctor doesn't find anything wrong!